Argos Ski Hotel


Design idea of Argos Ski Hotel project is based on the sustainable and energy efficient principles. In that sense, chalet typology, which is commonly used in Northern Europe as its form and material are suitable for the climate and geographical conditions, was examined. It is demonstrated in the simulations that gathering all programs under one “roof” constitutes better outcomes in terms of heating load.


Nevşehir, Turkey

Construction Area

6.000 m²


Argos Grup

Due to the roof design that resembles an igloo and preserves snow piling up throughout winter season, value of thermal insulation significantly increases. Also, all three floors that social programs locate are buried underground, protected from external factors and contributes to the energy efficiency.

Vernacular architecture uses local resources and materials of geography, climate, material, craftsmanship and culture, tectonic and structural context of the project was shaped accordingly to these traditions. It is consisting of locality and universality in terms of its references, structural system and details, local materials of stone, brick and wood.